Awesome map half of the pictures seemed like you spent alot of time interlocking everything together it seems like this could be a playable map Dl...
I give you props for making it on last resort I havent seen a map on last resort in a while.I also love the layout of the map and that you almost...
I couldnt really see anything from the pics but the map seems ok I guess.The gameplay looks fun but everything else kinda doesnt seem to fit it...
Wow this map reminds me of MlG Amp.I love the layout of the map and how you made the bases much diffrent for a change it looks like it has perfect...
Hey mastero I remember testing this map out with you like what sgt said I love the middle but I didnt like how the other parts look rushed The map...
Awesome 2v2 map I love how you made it so small but it still seems very fun to play in the second part I like is the awesome sniper tunnel. 5/5...
I guess its ok but I definitely have o give you props for the pallet bridge.But 1 thing confused me what is this made for aesthetics, or race...
I'm sorry but you need to learn how to post a map...and please add more pictures next time I can barely see anything in the map.I dont know if you...
Cool for your first map but I just dont get the map layout...It kinda looks like you ran out of ideas really quickly so you just put random stuff...
Wow if this is your first map I give it a 4/5!I think if you learned how to interlock and geomerge and you remake the map it could turn out very...
Cool map but I didnt see any cover at all I think you need to focus on a little bit more cover.Besides that the map looks pretty cool I like the...
Dang all I can say is WOW this map looks awesome everything looks perfect for smooth driving and I like how you made the track long because most...
Really good map but it looks sloppy... sorry if i'm wrong but I also noticed that you said you put a sniper and a mauler together maybe that would...
Idk dude the map looks really good since it's no interlocking and stuff like that but I think you need to focus on some cover and it looks a tiny...
Nice map dude it seems like a hard and confusing puzzle (atleast to me it is lol) I give it a 4.5/5 because the map looks sweet and it looks...