my live is broked comment map, remember the one i kept showing you all the time
fluffy i havent seen you in ages, comment my map commment my map
well thank you, it doesnt really matter to me if it is on the front page or not, however that would be awsome, i am looking forward to seeing if...
the middle can be overpowering at times however usually with even matched teams, there isnt a problem with the middle base
haha wow this got bumbed up but go4er thank you for finally commenting, i thought you were just mad at me or something but then i played with...
naw i think ill just quit =]
@ zerofox i thank you for all your compliments, they are great, and i hope you had just as much fun playing this map, as i did, and i hope this...
orange, can you do me a favor and look under competitive maps, i have a map cover quest, that got bumped up like 40 pages to the top, and its no...
you are right about the obstacle, but the only reason the jump is tricky, is because the wall corner is merged into the ground, making it...
dris, thanks for your compliments, they all mean a lot even if its critisism murdock, send me a friend request if you want and we can play some...