Made this a while ago its like a gallery cover. [IMG]
A little too empty, you have loads of empty space on the right.
Best First Person Shooter: CoD4 Best Third Person Shooter: GoW Best Plat-former: Shadowrun Best Free rome/ open world : WoW Best Fighting...
Gogeta love his sig its nice and smooth.
I use Photoshop CS2, to lazy to update. Gimp has mostly the same controls though.
First off try smaller sizes, most sigs are 350 by 150. Second make your render smaller. Your render's are huge and pretty choppy, make them...
My latest. [IMG] CnC thnx!
Yeah i think i over did the first one with all the flares.
Number one. [IMG] Number two. [IMG] CnC thanks!
[IMG] Meh i like mine but mostly likely wont win.
Well iv been a Halo fanboy from the start. i love to play soccer played it all my life and my favorite team is Man. UNTD. but anyways im hoping to...