Thanks to Death YoYo I'm using the ghost merge technique now to clean up the map a bit. For the most part it will remain the same but with a few...
I'm online now just sitting here trying to figure out forge hahaha. I hate it so much because I'm honestly just bad at it. I don't have many...
Thanks for the link Death Yoyo. Cart0graphy gave me the same one. I'll definitely be working on revising the map but we feel the overall layout is...
Should be fixed now. Thanks man! :)
Cart0graph - I really do appreciate the comments and thanks for giving it a shot. I just need more thorough input as we aren't forge pro's here haha.
I'm not too fond of the name either to be honest. We know we have more work to do, tidying up is a good way to describe what really needs to be...
ADDICT V1 This map was created by my friend (Gamertag = iPartyandHack) with tweaks and design input from me (Gamertag = ITCH3S). I wanted to...