I ran through the track a few times when I downloaded it. The problem isn't falling off (or could be if you play with multiple people) but being...
A single top-down view of a map won't show people the height of your map. Another two or three pictures would give a better impression. From...
So this is the map you were talking about on Thursday. Looks like a roller coaster. :p The map itself is pretty good. Not too many aesthetic...
Sorry Nukezilla. This map is bad. Needs A LOT more interlocking and your pics show there is indeed an armory with multiple power weapons. Players...
Fbu, I agree haha. I hate Bot... always have, and always will. But this Bot, is simply amazing :) Sure Linu gave a review of the ups and downs of...
Another amazing map by Bl00d F1r3 :) I like the names of your maps I got to say. By the sounds of them, you must play WoW, am I right? Anyways,...
Interesting map design. Looks cleanly forged and the angles look nice. Good job on your first map. Unique map I've got to say.
Nice map. The forging is very clean, but geo-merging could have been a plus. Definitly a d/l none-the-less.
I hear that a lot from people who only want to concentrate on one thing and leave everything else sloppy. It doesn't matter if your map is going...
User Name: Irc WindDragon Map Name: Corsair Did you read and follow instructions: Yes Do you prever not using advanced forge techniques: Yes and...
Looks very simple. Maybe widen each team's lanes a bit to allow a bit more freedom? Also, people don't like honor rules that much (unless they are...
I'll get to that soon. I'm busy right now, but I'll be done in about an hour (maybe less.) I'll be sure to give a report for you. Anything exact...
Interesting map :). 6/5 for HLG Viper. I don't know why, but it has a Last Resort feel/look to it. Interlocking/geo-merging looks really clean....
Absolutely a superb map. 5/5 The layout has great aesthetics. Definitely a d/l. The design of the map is what really stands out. The walls aren't...
5/5. The aesthetics look great. I understand that you were trying to stay relatively close to the book as possibly, but if the portal was blocked...