Alright you really have to check this out. It's a complete guide to BRINK: The FragWorld Brink Compendium Read it if you have any interest...
Im about to play some ac Brotherhood but I can talk for a little bit.
Dude whats up?
A lot of original structures, looks good. The only problem I see are those glass panels on the lower half of the walls. When grenades are thrown...
Cyanic by Blackout8SIX Tayari by Paranoia_uk Unethical by II6clique jxIxj
I love the aesthetics. It's original and it isnt just a bunch of random structures but a theme. The only concern I have is how much budget...
Yeah the spiker rifle, in the "what gun are you looking forward to using the most" thread, someone told me that the spiker rifle doesnt exist
Is that a new gun in the last picture? o_0
This looks great! I love how you changed the shape of the crypt from a square to a unique original twisted shape. How you took away empty corners...
Great track! I like how the track weaves over and below other parts of the track. One question though, what if you fall off of the track?
very kewl, im digging the forerunner theme. Some suggestions though add more vehicles and cover in the middle. Nice asthetics btw
omg my jaw just dropped, this deserves a feature! i have a question though, with so few guns if you spawn with ar's then wont you just be blown...
This map i also remember you building, only problems its escapable, every time you throw a grenade the lights go out, and to much spawn killing....