Good work on the map! A very creative idea for it and also i love the gametype. good idea with the kill balls preventing you from scoping and also...
Great Work on the map, really like the setting of the map But what i really like is how you branched out from the infection having swords but...
This map looks great, I like the bases and the design of the red/blue base and also the middle base. This also looks like a good invasion map,...
I agree, this does look like it has nothing to do with Halo and it just seems like a preview of an editing software. The cinema effects don't...
This seems like this is going to turn out to be a good map. Nice layout of the map, and plus the pathways you can take. Such as the lifts and the...
Great work on the map. Looks good for a BTB and objective gametypes. Also, i like the the bases and also the middles structure you put into the...
A great Work of art. I downloaded the map, and it was a little bigger than i thought. Good job on the steps and the Layout of the map. I like the...
Great work on the map and the Gametype. They both seem that the even out and also i like how the map progresses over time. It give that player...
Haha, i remember playing on this map. I like the layout of the map, and also the amount of details that are in the map. I had fun playing...
I love the creativity of this map! I like how you put multiple entrances plus have the map with multiple levels with the ramps. I also like what...
Great Job on the Middle Structure, I like the aesthetics and the Weapon placements. Can't wait to give a download and play it. The map seems well...
City Streets Coming Soon Players:2-12 Medium sized map [IMG] It was an urban city with populated streets [IMG] Now you control the...