Well doing it on Sandtrap is virtually unreal considering how they could just drive around the edge and get away. Standoff is a little smaller but...
We forefit. Congrats. -infected xD , DEATH IS A HERO
This a definitly gonna get featured. Awesome job! 5/5
Looks pretty good, but easy to get out of with a simple grenade jump. Try fixing it up and blocking off the exits, A V2 would be sweet. :O
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbELWI5nkPg In this Video, UltiDrgn made a contraption to trap a noob, which is by far the best thing ive seen on...
You click on the name of the map, its in grey at the top.
Your pics aren't working. :P
Umm, well, it looks like a bunch of piled boxes, and..that it. Try some interlocking into making better building structures and maybe more pics...
Those aren't modes, they're inactive teleporters. It doesnt even look like a map. Just teleporters. =/ And what, no link or description?
Dude, one of the most stunning maps i have seen yet. I'm DLing and recommending this to all 100 of my friends! bwahaha! >D
With mine, i just used apint shop pro and saved it to photobucket. I saved every medal from bungie.net and pasted them on the screenshot to show...
Right now im a 39 in team doubles and im a boosting with about 20 exp. I'm look for anyone really good to help me get to 50 / high 40's. My...