im NOT saying that your are but i rememeber a map that was exactly like this one with the cave style and little death pits it just didnt have the...
hey yo cut this guy some slack, i think its a good map, but i have to agree with the other guys that this looks afuly familiar to lockdown and...
first i saw untoten map pack, and knew it was going to be an awesome map, then i saw foundry :( , (not such a fan of foundry), then i saw this,...
if you can figure out a way for people to not to block that teleporter them self (unless its already cheat proof) and have a teammate arm the...
i like how clean this is but i think there are 2 snipers on each side of the middle column? correct me if its just a br and i also saw a rocket...
nice i made a map similar to this, but mine is for 4v4 and its way bigger (thats what she said)......ya anyways nice map did you ghost merge the...
OMG when i first opened up this page and saw the first page, it blew my mind because it looks really like the level from left 4 dead. if you...
thats cool man, o ya my modem that runs my internet restarts and keeps getting stuck everytime i hook to my xbox ya its a long story
i need some help dude, i know its probably going to be to much to ask for but would you mind, downloading my map serinity of my file share and...
hey whats up man ya and it is The1wHoOwnSu08!
omg you got featured omg remember me The1wHoOwnSu08 that map is so fun (phone is on hold)