This map is fantastic. This is probably the best cold storage remake out to date that I've seen. I really enjoyed testing this map and I...
Umm, well hello everyone, I'm not necessarily new to forging but I decided to put more interests into building... I alrdy know how to forge...
Very nice map man... I was their with you every step of the way with this map... Gratz on finally finishing it and being able to post it. IDK if...
This map was sort of confusing. The concept is difficult to grasp from what i can see from the pictures. I really don't understand how this would...
Looks pretty interesting. I can tell you ghost merged lots of this but thats alright. Though I like the design to a point. The screenshots sort of...
Dude omg.... You like run asthetics on any competitive maps. The map looks almost perfect from what I see. The design is layed out like and actual...
Ya I liked it. It had an extremely sexy lay out. The tin cup grass thing looked sweet also I could see some issues here and their but they could...
Very nice map. Nicely planned also. This is cool. I dont think that you blended the architecture very well. The asthetics were very nice though....
The map is very interesting and great for a conquest game... The design is very dynamic and creative. I dont see myself doing this. I like the...
The forging is great in the little castle type thing... The title is misleading... You couldve tried to make more cover outside the tower thing. I...
This map isn't too great bud... It lacks design... It lacks the fact of me saying I can't do this and it lacks a great idea. I don't know what to...
Woah! I give you props for this map... It looks very clean with nice merging and great walkways. Very nice looking roofs also. I think that this...
I rly liked the inside of the map... Very great asthetics. I rly love the piano becuz it is just so epic. I don't like the design of the outside...