That's actually why I made the bridge covers short... so you couldn't see and shoot from across the map easily. :D Also why I added windows next...
EDIT: Never mind, thought you wrote has 'A little dancefloor,' meaning the stuff at the end of the corridor/hallway. I'll see about shortening the...
Should be fixed. :) Anyone have any comments? I'm looking to change what feels off, so any critique is appreciated, except for trolling or...
Hey, guys. I finaly finished the 'Alpha Version,' so to speak, of my new map, Bunker! It has no description and I'm waiting for feedback, hence it...
I found that my problem was that I accidentally used object colors instead of team colors. I changed the objects so that their TEAM colors were...
When I say second round, I mean in both General Forge (No Specific Gametype) and Team Slayer (Inf Slayer with Teams ENABLED) I think I may have...
Hi guys! This is my first post in Forgehub and I hope to make some awesome forge maps. My hope is that one of my maps could make it into MM, but...