ty guys for feedbak if you dont like the power up last time or speed just change it in game options =D but nice to know you all like the map
lol actually its hard to do that even i who hav created this map have problems doing that in order to do that you would have to plan out...
good question well in order to get the custom power up u need to jump a little(25%) only the pac man can jump just enough to get the power up...
ty guys for dowloads need help msg me on XBL
(this has ben reposted because it belongs here not casual) Do you Remember playing Pac-Man? Well its Back and its better than ever.This is a...
Do you Remember playing Pac-Man? Well its Back and its better than ever.This is a very VERY fun game that you will love. Increadible creative and...
get the power up and run and jump into water
lol or that xD lol or that xD
here lol
ill take of the other one i did it cuz i wanted to c were it would get more views sorry
Objective- throw balls and explosives to othe team Via the canon men, Try to splatter all enemies on other team 1st team to 10 points wins HAVE...