Thanks man!
Hey guys, long time no post. It's been quite a long time since I've had a chance to capture and edit some footage, but I really want to try some...
I haven't even applied for the greylist yet :P But have been planning on applying for a while now, I just never get around to actually building...
Yeah. I thought that it would make sense to start by discussing shape. Although I wish now that when I made the video I'd also spoken about...
Hi guys, I'm starting a series called 'Improving Your Builds' which will look at why different techniques improve builds, rather than just showing...
Not that it's a big problem, but this method means that only the top layer of water blocks are source blocks.
So, this is what me and B3NW have been helping with recently... YouTube - Minecraft - Adventurer's Tomb : A Minecraft Short Story‏
Good Job Shanon! It reminded me of... a very long time ago when I'd joined a party with you in and this MLG try hard joined and asked you for a...
The other day I got on odd message... It was "Oh my god, you killed me 5 times in the freakin' mongoose you ******! You work Bungie?"
I don't even think that the 240 MSP is worth it. The default sensitivity seems too low considering how fast you move. The default controls don't...
Thankyou LD, for someone who'll never forget me, who cares so much, it makes me sad knowing that you removed me. :'( But... yeah, thanks, I...