Thank you for the feedback, v.4 is almost done idk if I will post it or not and Im taking my time to finish it.
I played this when it was posted originally and it wasn't that fun
This looks exactly like lockdown but a few things changed around. The base in the middle, close up those little gaps and the interlocked boxes.
You have great forge skills but I don't underStand this as a conquest map. I'll download it though. Wanna play it with me so u can walk me through...
The layout looks amazing but.............. It looks like you need to interlock way more Edit: ok played this map and it is way smoother than...
Uhh it's not gramatically correct, you spelled bottome (bottom) wrong. LOL. Your weapon spawns are wrong, custom powerups should be 180 seconds...
the design is not MLG at all. You have too many power weapons. You have movable cover, anchor it down. No Shield doors.Try again, or move it to...
i need to know what the pusher is. on foundry i put teleporters around the edge of the object, and put doors on top and pushed it down. i need to...
i was wondering what the pusher is on sandbox to geomerge. On foundry its the door, idk what to use on sandbox.
this looks really good. i will def download this. But i would take the rockets out, thats just my opinion, but most Custom MLG maps dont have...
ive played these maps a long time ago, about when the heroic map pack came out. Try again, make up something new, dont just edit something that...
this is such a great idea!!!! i made something like this, but it was done in like 15 min. Yours looks really good, you used all of sandbox very...
this map looks like Sanctuary, but more like and MLG layout. You def need to make it more smooth. Interlock and geomerge. i give it a 3/5.