Thanks for all the comments and suggestions once again! I'm glad you all like my map. :) I'm also posting to tell you guys about a few of the...
As always thanks for the comments and compliments on my map. :) I'll take your suggestion into consideration too when I'm making version 2. :)
Inside the base there really isn't any place to add another entrance but I'll try to see if I can make a way to do that. I don't know what boxes...
My map seems to be getting a lot of good reviews, thanks everyone! I will definitely using the suggestions for the next version. :)
Thanks for all the comments and suggestions everyone! I hope you have fun on the map if you download it! :)
To Reply to Phoenix619: Thanks for the comment! I plan on adding more cover and objects to version 2 this week so version 2 will most likely be...
I should probably go take some pictures of the merging and interlocking because there is merging and interlocking on the map. :P But thanks for...
Thanks for downloading, and your comment! :) I'm glad you guys liked it! :D Hopefully this wont end up being a double post but... Even though...
Retaliation Created by i is greeks Preview: --. Foundry Supported Gametypes: Assault Capture...
Hey everyone I'm i is greeks, most commonly known as greeksrule but someone already took that username :angry:, but anyway I'm just stopping by to...