btw.. epic 343 total posts.. <-- 343 industries
Yeah I might do that.. Take away some magnums and DMRs and put in some AR's.. And decorate my map a bit more.. Holdout: Requiem V1.1? And I might...
Add more stuff like barrels, forklift and pallets.. And much more..
I'm amazed! I just loved how you used a zipline in your infection map! The trailer was good too and the walkthrough video.. I think you're my new...
Well, it's a cave with some extra rocks.. The cave isn't the main part of the map.. Zombies spawn all the way into the cave at the beginning of...
Well actually I have a topic for that map in the Casual forum.. Go check it pl0x?
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Holdout: Requiem :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [IMG] I realy enjoyed...
Yeah I love infection too <3 Gonna show my latest creation soon.. It's epic.. Added you on xbox live btw.. ;)
Gave it a download.. *Relpy reserved for feedback after I have tested the map* EDIT: Checked this map.. Good map.. You did the forging well...
*Psst* "Hey mate, next time you should ask some people to record for you instead of camrecording it ;)"
Liked how you put a lot of details into this map. Seems like a decent map, worth downloading.. But you should fix those places where you can...
It's a good map with some cool aesthetics in it but I miss a few forgemechanic's like door switches or walking through walls etc.. 8/10
Infection <3 I'm making a map.. You want to see it whenever you're on? Added you on XBOX Live.
well i already added you on Xbl. Gamertag: o Solace