I can only see two definite routes in the pictures. One is along the bridge and the other through the water. In your description you mention a...
This reminds me of the broken tether from halo 3s campaign, just because its a tether though. It could add some more structures to your map if you...
Just played this with you guys. Psychoduck summed it perfectly by saying that it was too top heavy, but it looks just like the level. It might...
Its from requiem in the campaign now wheres my cookie! I was thinking about making this exact same level haha, kudos for actually doing it. I...
ordinance drops don't have advanced edit options so no place at start or game type specific. Objective drops work sort of like you want in the...
The map looks good, definitely reminds me of narrows with the way the arch is set up. Its hard to see how it really plays though have you tested...
Oh sorry, I misread that. I thought invalid meant blocking them... derp
Exactly I wanted to make one team harder to kill over time, while the other gets more weapons.Its not the end of the world, and I'd rather...
I've never used reach's forge (its the only halo game I don't own), so I wasn't aware of this thanks for the update. It's unfortunate that trait...
Sorry i thought I made it clear that I did this. They are set to spawn alpha>bravo>charlie at instant 60 sec and then finally at 120 seconds. They...
Hi everyone! I'm trying to make a mini game that emulates a Tower Defense game, by using either KOTH or Griffball to force one team to score...
Thanks everyone it was in my temporary files, though I already remade what I thought I lost haha.
I have a similar issue with map saving, but the problem seems different. Could someone please try to help me? Last night I worked on a map and...