I'm just glad to see that the argonians don't look so stupid this time. Always has been my favorite race to play as. Breathing underwater....
Dark Brotherhood FTW! and also, I don't think it had been "officially" confirmed until this video, just hinted at. I seem to recall Todd Howard...
I pointed out a while back that the dragon alphabet doesn't match up on the alphabet seen on the collector's edition Alduin statue, but I did find...
The 40 minute vid just added in all of the details to the big picture they had already presented at E3. But the big picture is what everyone...
I know nothing's been posted in this thread for a while , but I just took notice of something. In the original gameinformer release with the...
I just pre-ordered skyrim yesterday, It's gonna be epic. I'm putting off FPSs for a while after skyrim comes out just because theyre getting old....
I am going to have the exact same problem. Skyrim may be the last game I ever have time for, so I don't think I'll be buying CEA 4 days later....
I just thought to myself, "What's a good gamertag, what's something that describes me?" And then it came to me, and I was all like "holy crap!,...
I see this now.
Awesome! one of the variants I had hoped for coming out of cloneball. I'd love to test it, send me a PM whenever you guys are testing this.
Yeah... I already have the rocks around the base of the tree, I don't think the grass would fit in as well. The rocks already take up most of the...
+ cool points for faceless reference. Also, I like the design with the exception that the lower areas will probably feel very exposed, I would...
Check the last image. They're already there. I just couldn't move them too low because then the flags are visible and kind of kill the aesthetic.
I haven't had it tested yet, I'm still working on fixing up all of the spawns, and adding in a few objective variants. I'll let you know though...
I can't believe I hadn't thought of roots. Thanks, I'll try to implement that idea in the final version.