I must say, this map is...amazing! Actually more than amazing, but I can't pick the right word to describe this..I love the cliff side base..all...
@ First guy, that seems like an good idea..I just dont really know if the angle would be high enough to my picky liking. I'll test it out though...
I rarely ever post in the forging threads (or much at all at that) but now I really am stuck :p. I have a pretty sweet idea for a map (which is...
Hmmm..I don't have Sandbox, but I did play Runescape..the only suggestions I could say is possibly interlock the floor (idk if its bumpy on...
oh my status..yeah..its just something i saw from a picture that was of a person i like making fun of..
It's a common idea, but yours just looks sexier because 1. it's on sandbox skybubble, and that scaffolding around it..and the killball. The only...
I played a map almost exactly like this..except there was a tad bit of cover on the ledges and there were teleporters that led into the room...
wow..I totally remember this map..its perfect! I really wish I had the mythics atm, but I'm keeping this in mind when I get it..its just...
I have: A nameless shotgun, a broken pistol that like..3 in long (and sucks), a G36C (the box refuses to admit its a G36C, and plus someone stole...
Due to my retarded computer, I can't click the gametype/map links (don't feel like explaining the whole reason WHY) but its a bomb map, neutral...
It's a pretty original (as far as I've seen) with the commander box, but what if the guy has no mic? Then..it'd be pointless for that team. But...
It looks like it has a really good flow, but you should sex it up with some interlocking. I could help if you want, just message me. But yeah like...
Meh whatever its k..but c ya