If you guys get to play in this map please share the film clip, you get my thanks.
I think it's too big for its own good, having less levels would help (playing 4 FFA didn't result in that many encounters). It might be a good BTB...
A bit too big, but otherwise great.
The only thing missing is proximity mines. Nice remake, altough pistol 1 shot kill is not that fun, you should cut the damage a bit
1 - Looks slimy! good job 2 - got stuck on the grav lift :( It's a fun map overall for 1v1's
It looks nice, but it's too corridor-ish. The LoS is too small and there is no long/medium range combat since you can't really shoot from one...
It's nice, but I would do 2 things 1) Remove the railings - it's more risky and fun 2) With the added $$ put more cover/ramps on the bridge or...
Never liked this map, but it's an awesome remake, really creative and smooth too :-)
Lovely map! I would remove all the railings though (except the bridges), they give too much height advantage - it's too easy to snipe someone...
Oh thank you ^^ I wanted to make loadouts a bit unique. Combine the worst weapons with the most common/best AA, I paid special attention with...
I sure am! I would like to try a 6v6 to test it Let's sort out sometime to play together 10pm GMT would be perfect for me. But anytime...
INV_GATES = "It" dispawns after the phase you set it to (Ex: The rock is INV_GATES phase 1 - it is gone by phase 2 /// The titan's Revenant and...
[IMG] [IMG] TITAN MODE Territories > Assault > Core Download BOTH the map and gametype if you want to try it out YouTube - TITAN...
Last update! Just finished the map :-) Here is a preview [IMG] another one [IMG] I hope they don't reveal too much ;-) I will try to make...