pssh go find someone else to pick on lmao
lol thanks! my biggest critic!
I think the third one is awesome!!!! it's captures simplicity! joe your still the bomb!
love them!! Joe your the bomb lolol! add me?
Here's Yet anathor one![IMG] Please follow my Three step program! Step 1. Rate Step. 2 Comment Step 3. Enjoy
Here's another one![IMG] Rate. Comment. Enjoy!
hey guys here's a new one! Enjoy![IMG] Please Rate Comment and Enjoy
Just a screenshot a threw together i admit not my best just wanted to see how you people like or disliked it.[IMG] And just for good measure! A...
number one is sweet 4.5
very nice although the second the sparten losing his shield sorta ruins it for me... 3.5/5
Nice great job with the first and third one! one question tho. did you use my guide for the first one?