Cool map, man. Loved testing the gametypes out with you and madkill! Downloaded =D
Madkill, sorry how long it took to get back with the reply. Some of the double boxes that you have are not perfectly straight, they are not...
Different, but creative! I like the skirt or w/e she is wearing. The guns in the hands are cool too. And btw, the flamethrower in teh mouth is...
Sweet map. Never really thought that anyone could make a MLG style map on rats nest, but you did it really good!
Looks like an interesting custom game. Might try it if i get a chance! 5/5
Awsome map, love the interlocking. DL for you! :)
Cool map, love the interlocking and the creativity of the structure!
not the most original idea, but i have not seen one on foundry yet. 4/5
Lots of interlocking! nice setup and cool Geoglitching. DL!!
Pictures... link to DL... ????
now THIS is creative. Downloading
Totally awsome, Most ratsnest maps are boring, but this one gave this map a better name & reputation!
My friend showed me this map. I was amazed of the Complex interlocking and LOVE the gravity hammer spawn. Totally original!!!
This map is Crazy cool! Must have taked months to make. Love the GeoGlitching at an angel, and the stairs that form an "X" for Xtreme!!
Wow! Very well made map! Lots of Geo-Glitching and Interlocking! Love the idea with the door that the Attackers need to destroy to gain acess to...