I am honestly not sure if this has been found already but I thought I would share this with you. This quick little tip has allowed me to move...
It seems you are not as skilled as others... I too am not that great of a forger but I will be partners with you. I prefer to make custom...
This is just a feeling, but every time a new **** Zombie map comes out people are going to try and re-make them...
I'm back for now...
I agree with you for the most part. But you have to remember, a lot of newer users are not familair with the forums and don't have much of an idea...
To add along with Eri1C0, I am almost always in a party talking to friends if I am forging alone. If you are planning on forging for a couple of...
One question: I have not yet experienced this problem, but I have not done a lot of forging on here. Is it only affected if it is touching the...
I am bored so why not, seems like a challenge to create a working, functional map.
Ummmm well there wasn't enough people for testing, but its ok. My friends usually can tell me how it is, especially toaster.
I don't think ladders are possible to make...
@ headlessbarbie, I meant to make both bridges, not just one. That way you have ranged combat.
You know the level in Halo CE, The Silent Cartographer? You could re-create one part of the inside level near the end. Or maybe Assualt on the...
I hate those people too. I am in a clan called EpiK, and we are a fun clan, we mainly play custom games and have fun. But of course you get those...
I'll join pretty soon! GT: Guardion07