woot, people actually like it, i personally love the see-through hallway in the middle on ctf i sa the enemy run through there with my flag... so...
Ty for the feedback Added embed pics because slideshows hate me :(
Im back with my first map on Cold Storage, Infestation Supported Gametypes: -CTF -Team Oddball -2 sided VIP slayer (someone asked me to add it...
TY for Downloading, cant wait for the feedback :)
ty, hooray for igbl maplist, 2 in there now :) BTW: i fixed some things and changed the download link since when i first posted the map. 1....
Tyvm :)
NOTE: Fixed Problems. 1. Flipped 1 door that was rightside-up to upside-down. (check pictures, you see which door i mean.) 2. Fixed a possible...
not a problem at all, if anything its more publicity.. WOOT :)
ty vm, if you going to DL be sure not to forget the custom gametype ^^
Ty, when i played the game you did more jumping on that middle platform then walking, because being out there is almost suicidal lol
Ty baraker, and see ya in hell sushi ( school = hell )
wow thank you all of the feedback ^^ if yalla re going to play a game on it please invite me XD GT - xXGopuriXx
Ty sushi, and it does have alot of power weapons, but a br is more powerful in most instrances then the power weapons