There's no z-fighting whatsoever. And no, Odyssey has flaws. It is a perfect example as to why I decided to do this in the first place.
After playing many so-called "perfect" and "1:1 scale" Lockout recreations, I became frustrated and annoyed. Some of them had certain aspects...
I can't believe you took on this task. You have my respect. I remember playing it way back in the day on Counter Strike.
Are you talking about aesthetic value or what exactly? The dimensions to the room are near perfect (length and width wise). It is just a tad short...
I did some testing and I solved the problem. I put some coliseum walls all the way on the island itself to cover up the trees/landscape. I made it...
I don't think the waterfall is the reason for the lag when zooming in from Snipe3 to Top Lift. I think it's caused by the island in Forge World...