Thanks for the birthday wish. I just got back on after halo 4 didnt meet my expectations. I hope you are still visiting the forums!
So...Are you a Code Geass fan?
Sup leetmaster! Haha this $hit haha!
Oh hehe I actually had you blocked! I think I posted a map for you and took photos n everything in photobucket. Yeah, I was pretty pissed off...
I've been inactive for many months. What have I missed? What new forge ideas/creations have been dominating the site lately? I'm glad to say that...
Great forger, and a great loss. Though I don't respect religion, I still respect many religious people. You will be missed Gunnergrunt. "Goes to...
Reach just didn't live up to its potential. To be honest it is the first Halo game I have played on Live where I didn't purchase all of the DLC....
Hey thanks for the comment. I hope you enjoyed the map and I'm surprised that I actually got a comment. We spent a lot of time on this map so it's...
Ouch. I Thought it looked appealing. I worked really hard to make it look good and accurate. I'm not sure what exactly looks bad about it. I wish...
This map is great, but the forging execution is a bit poor. I played on this map with two other friends and we fell off way too often. All I am...
Looks kinda sexy. I'm going to download this and play a few rounds of conquest on it. I like the use of the sideways columns which form up a wall....
Thank you for downloading. I used the outlook because I wanted the surface to be completely flat like my original map. I didn't want hills...
Yeah thanks for the bench idea I incorporated it into my Enclosed V2 Map