Mainly for layout and building support lol I have half the assets built already
Griffball=Tradefest BTB=Perfect Cross Map Kills > Because... Utility weapons all have heavy magnets on them Hitscan = Noob Projectile = outplaying...
Everyone thinks there is a set of pre-existing guidelines that makes map work or not. I think people are afraid to try experimental designs, play...
Will you marry me?
I think I need a co-forger for a 4v4 snowbound inspired map. It would look like snowbound but be good.
I have been working on an Isolation Remix. Tons of thought is going into this, especially for flag. I'm about 60-70% done with it, at least before...
I respect those trees so much it's crazy.
I like everything you made, but the only hting I can think of aesthetically would be to make each room colored differently. Makeit look more like...
I'm considering showcasing my WIPs here, but afraid they'll get lost in the banter :p
Best aesthetic map yet man, good work! Love the little falcon on it :p
You do realize height variation and verticality are the exact same thing right? Verticality refers to one point being higher than another. It has...
Looks fantastic guys. Good job!
*sheds single tear*
I'll just say what we're all thinking. Group Co Forge lol
I love you.