i just got your version. i'll test it tomorrow. i'm off xbox for the night.
Yeah! I got banned, but yeah! represent! Oh and if you ever need someone to test out your maps, just ask me. I prefer customs over matchmaking.
hmmmm. i think i downloaded atrium from somewhere before... do you go on gamefaqs or bungie.net? oh and i liked atrium, so i'll dl this
Sorry if this is the wrong forum. I need around 10 - 16 players. The map can be found here if you want to preview it.
K. And I also made the Overshield/Camo respawn longer. 30 seconds was WAY to short. And I added some stuff to my original post.
Sure! Oh, and to everybody reading this, I need people to test the map out. I need at least 8, but really want 12-16.
Thanks! Any tips on how to make the cover look nicer? However, I have run out of objects to place on the map. Oh, and the small ruined pole is...
Well, I fixed the pictures, but I still can't edit the title.
How do you edit titles??? Oh and haloscreenshots.com doesn't have all my pics.
will do
Looks great! I'm going to queue it. I'll edit this post and tell you what I liked/disliked when I get a chance to play it.
Criticism is welcome! Just make sure if you say my map is bad, you tell me why so I can improve! Anyway, the map took about 3 hours to make. It...