same here, thats why i've been asking, so silver accounts don't have free slots?
Hello everyone i've recently created two maps, in two days.. And i putted them in a post.. Now i want to make more maps, but only have...
well thank y gud sir :D indeed the top floor could be overpowering, thats why i made the small "dumpster-hiding-spot" as well as the open box.....
if you did read the description, it tells you why: the wraith is for extra chances for killing, and CANT get further THEN the first...
well, tbh it looks different here then it really is.. If i gotta speak the truth, it looks like a quarter of the real map here.. a well, download...
BlueCast Map Created by G4M3SL4Y3R. Version 1.1 Weapons, Weapon Locations and amount of Weapons: 3x Battle rifle (Inside of the Main Building,...
Yeah, well the infection part is in the back, where you have the standard foundry spawnpoints. I've barricaded the entrace to the whole of the...
Its all Symmetrical, i don't know where to use Asymmetrical for.. so.. And thanks, all of you! i'll try to add a weapon list as soon as possible....
oh yeah, almost forgot to add that! lol.. (to my post, amounts of weapons, where and the gametypes) thanks for reminding me!
You mean v3, this is a recreation of my old version, i recently removed my profile + all of my items (including maps) so lost the map as well,...
SilverShot Hello guys, today im about to introduce the map "SilverShot", it has two simple bases on both sides of the map, it also has a gate...