[spoiler]Testing Spoiler Button.[/spoiler]
I like this wall, I will use this in a map sometime. I tried stacking a wall up like this, but I couldn't put the actuall wall on the sides...
I agree, the astectics are very cool looking. And this looks like a fun SWAT map. I like how there is actually cover to get behind. But I don't...
Hello. This map is a good Arena. It looks fun to play on. But a few things you should add in a V2: A armory- Theres no weapons except for the...
This looks like a really good map! I like the Terminal idea. And I like how you put OverSheilds in the bomb room. But one question, how to you get...
The grav lifts are a way up to the castle. They dont hold it.
La Shia Castle By Funface Suported Gametypes: CTF, Assualt,Slayer and Infection (Preferibly a infection game where the Zombies have sheilds and...
Dude, this is EPIC! How you fit this all on one map I do not know. You got my download. I love how made a obstacle course using the guardian...
Thanks for the signature. Im new to thjis so im having trouble putting it up. Its a really cool sig.
Sorry for the spam. Hope this isnt spam either.
How do you make the spoiler button?
Lol, I like the idea, this could be a really awsome jail cell for a Cops & Robbers map. I'm going to use this in one of my maps.