hammers are an interesting idea, but I would only use them if there was some way to make everyone immune to a weapon type in a game variant. Boy...
Hmm... I'll definitely be looking into building on the idea here, maybe try rebuilding a bigger version on a more open map sometime soon...
Well true, the name doesnt imply that it would be a well-balanced map, and the mere sight of teleporters screams 'this cant possibly be a...
Well the top platform used to be a respawning area, but in the latest versions you get there by use of 4 corner man-cannons (somtimes its harder...
Just to prove that grifball is not the only good assault-ball-on-foundry gametype, here is my game Thunderball. I created it back in late...
Hey everyone. Heard the podtacular podcast with truedarkfusion. Wouldnt have known about this place without it. Awesome place! Anyway... This is a...