Yeah i prefer the first one it looks a lot better feels more like bioshock the negtive one i think looks a bit rubbish and wierd srry anyways good...
are we allowed anyways i checked the rules and nuthin said about nudity but how can we ask admin about it
stin10 ty for message earlier m8 appreciated, look at the pics i put up for i like girls social group there lookin sexy
Hurricane twon v3 I found this map reli fun because i turned around evrywhere and got either crushed or smacked in the face by a object and it...
nice shot Nice shot he didnt see it coming, probably a once in a lifetime shot nit lol Still a good shot :happy:
welcome m8 welcome to forge hub hope u enjoy i am a newb myself so see my introduction page if ya want kk kl :happy:
Hey I'm Freakozoid 21. I love sticking people with plasma grenades :lol: See you guys around the forums!