Hello my gamertag is SaLVaTiiiON.Im new to Forge Hub but i know how to forge very good.At my friends house i was working on a small slayer map on...
Welcome to forge hub but like everyone is saying you need to fix your grammer or you will not earn respect.
Hi we all at forge hub ,the best online community in the world,hope you like your stay at Forge Hub!
hey im on paint.do you mind if i lay out the map and you think of weapon setup?of course we can change it up if you dont like the setup.just to...
you are very good at forging.my friend showed me some of your maps and i have some of Chrom3eagles scrennshots.if you are his friend you dont mind...
paratroxity is awesome!the reason why is because you get stuck in areas then you have to do things and then commit suicide.the obstacles are well...
yes im amazing at geomerging.you think you can help me make a small slayer map on sandbox.i also got confused between commenting on youtube and...
hey would you like to forge sometime?my dad is shipping my xbox to microsoft to get it fixed.i will still have my forge skills though.im not the...
Very nice aesthitics.but theres a little to much power weapons.and the overshield spawn can cause some infair games if it spawns at start.the...
Not only is the geometry and the spiraling stairs great but so is the weapon placement.the sword is a fair fight against a mauler and a fuel...