This map is amazing looking! Not only have you created a wicked looking spider on Blackout of all places, you manged to make the map playable and...
Wow, Dr. Chombie. You're pretty awesome saying how you're going to "beat the ****" out of Speed e Cake. Keep up the good work! (Sarcasm...
I always love me a good racetrack. This one is no exception. I love how not all the racetrack is an even surface, and there are a few drop-offs...
I got it from the LOL/IM IN UR/LOLCAT thread in the offtopic forum.
After seing some of your maps (Mass Driver, Loft, ect.) I have now become a new fan of yours. This map has it all. Aesthetics, gameplay, and you...
Hokay, I dont like doing this, but you seem like a good kid. In order for this not to get locked by the mods all you need to do is imbed the pics....
*AVATAR ANTICS!* (I changed my avatar)