when i update these page it well also show the majer changes from my first version to the newest one,so look forword to it.
i have almost completed the next form of these map which well be making it a 100% MLG map but i just need to twek some little miner things.but the...
nice map lay out.but last i had check there isnt any sender nodes,resever nodes,two way nodes in MLG maps
first i would like to say nice and good jod with the map. but you better remove youer first comments that you made so that you wont the one to...
hello its flare fang here and i just wonted to no if theres anything else that i need to change in my map besides sheild doors
Hello anyone that would be reading this.now you people cant truly juge this map unteal you have ubtaind this and play it for youerself spending...
there needs needs to be more pics of the map and not just action shots. other then that its okay 3/5
Thats what the sheild doors are for and theres also two.......well its the gun that is halve a shot gun with that together it helps big time. Not...
Thank you very much for the post.And to tell you the truth i had no idea that shield doors were not alowed.the real reason those are in thare is...
FourTowersMLG Created by Flare Fang Side note: thanks for taking the time to read my post,oya this is my first posting so i would like to here so...
can some one tell me were i can post maps on this site please.
Hello ive been new to these site and for a long time now, and ive been looking on how to post maps from halo3 on here but i cant. and i wont to...
love the map also like how you geo merged to i have no idea how yo do that i just no how to combin things to getter.but i would looke to post my...
what i would like for bungie to do. is make new map not remakes of maps we have played on in the past. come on this is halo 3 not halo 2 or 1, i...