I'd liek to be a guitarist in a band. I work on playing my guitar alot and would like ot take it inot a career.
"THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!" Drillbit Taylor: Drillbit's Friend:"So, Fidel Castro did not know that his communism would cause the assassination of...
Well......it was my minigame idea. I was inspired by Dirty Jobs, and mixing it with Hurricane Town. How? Make a large box "arena"as a garbage...
I loved Omega Journey and maps smiliar. It gives a great tension to infection maps, especially with alot of people. Also you might wnat to embed...
Of ocurse you can. I'm not the best pilot either, up is down, down is up....gets confusing.
That pwns! 5/5, plus Half-Life pwns.
Nice work on that sig! Althouhg I thought Area 51 Blacksite was sh**........
I see him! He's under the garbage!
Holy sh**!!!Characters on Rat's Nest, and part of the new map? Sweet.
My amror is usually blakc and red or red and black. I have no need for camo.
I remeber playign this. It was great fun. Also thanks for sohwing me in the pics.
It is interlocked. did you read my first statement? Also I played ofr a hour with friends and none of us got stuck on anything.
Thanks for the link. The Shack is interlocked for sure. Just the angle was bad in the shot.