looks good, i love the barriers and banshee, try and neaten it up and could make an itresting V2 3.5/5 is there something missing? oh yeh FIRST,...
finally the pics are up, Looks really fun actually, could use more cover for zombies, 4/5
first, this is the first map i've seen on orbital, nice job looks a little borin tho 3.2/5
O.o isnt this jaws but unescapable. props for the unescapable but its kind of a rippoff
looks alight, show more of the insides, the outside is very bare. 3.7/5
looks like a fun new sandbox map, reminds me of preditor on mexican land III. 4.6/5
looks superb although a little bleak and lifeless could add some more colour otherwise amazzling? =D
awww i thought this was actually gonna b the actual game quazar ( lazer tag but better ) but still i have to admit an amasing map 5/5
wow great idea ive never seen an areana where whole constructions spawn instead of just crates and weapons 4.5/5 ps:seems a bit easy for humans...
good map. nice aesthetics although is kinda square needs more shape 4/5
wow great map i like the idea of using " A and B " signs as mini bridges
erm... thats what mlg maps kinda... ya no... are... ps:remind me to use less... erm... ellipses
kwl i like the carved tunnel bit tho it needs more ground cover featurability:69%
its ok tbh but the bases where the bridges are are a bit messy good first try tho =D
wow great map the only problem its the bridge floor / cieling its very messy try and clean it up