I've only had one lucid dream experience, if you could call it that. It happened one day where me and my gf fell asleep on the couch, and early in...
yeah ludes are ****ing cool (: have fun
It was actually an april fools joke. [IMG]
[IMG] 3% cool now [IMG]
I think I've heard of that in a video somewhere. Thanks, I'll definitely check it out more
Ever hear about quantum consciousness? I saw something about it that said in quantum physics the ability to go backwards is possible, at least...
Someone is dumb. If you didn't notice there are many kickstart projects, all with different goals and outcomes. I could set a $5,000 goal for...
I'm going to get a team together to make a 'game' and pretend that I need the start-up money. I'm gonna be rich!
So we are to discuss the existence of phrases? Yes, phrases do exist in certain mediums. Modern relevance? Did you just make that up? The phrases...
RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - YouTube What do you think?
(Hey Arnold!) I Not His Mother - YouTube
The Dahus - Wicked - YouTube
memes in high school, how fitting.