Back in the game, man its been a long time since Reach!
Hey its been ages Ive been kind of caught up for a while but im on a lot more now so whats new?
Whats up tsar its been ages but its nice to see you didn't delete me. So what new?
Whats up Carnage I haven't been on in a while I got caught up in Black ops then Brotherhood but Ive been sticking to Halo Reach for about two...
Hi you haven't been on since October 25th 2010 its now the 6th of May 2011. I don't know whats going on in your life but send me a friend request...
Yeah I forgot about the kill zones. Good thing there free I don't think we can really add anything else were pretty broke :(
I like your profile pic i think i need to change mine the coons cool but still. Also we need to play real soon seing as were close to testing the...
Brute two things One I named the map hows this., CONFLICTION. Second you need to put up a profile image as soon as possible I hate that question...
Hey Brute I sent you a request ill probably just tell you on XBL. but still by the way i did some more editing on that unnamed map were doing...
Also I'm gonna send you a friend request for X Box live accept Kk.
Nah I liked it. I suppose though it comes down to whoever judges it. Still good job have you entered the new one?
Congrats on winning the last caption contest. For now you are the funniest person on Forge Hub. Good for you!
Awesome I look forward to seeing it?
Damn I saw the new Sig that's pretty awesome. How long did it take for a reply?
How many maps have you posted on Forge Hub? So far that is?