This looks great, my only negative point is that if it used to be forruner, than it should look more ancient as if its still being restored.
it looks a bit small for vehicule combat, but is still an great creation. Also it remineds me of the space station map in halo 3 (i forget the...
this looks like a great map for BTB, witch is hard yo come by, for that you have earned a coockie. Also, this should be in community BTB.
[IMG] __________________________________________________ ________________________ well, I was looking though some of the maps I made and some...
this looks amazing, il give more feed back after i play it.
i've played this map and it was quite exellent, the only thing that was desipointing was that i could bounce on the lave... maybe you could add a...
I generally dont like maps with killballs on slayer, but this could work... very nice OP, very nice... also, could you add some screenshots of...
like you said, it is very open so you are in the enemy's line of fire too. second, yes there are kill barriers and yes there is one on the rock....
this map looks simple... i <3 it :), but you should maby add some rocks in the middle or else: "yay swor- DEAD" you know :/ but this looks exellent.
[IMG] __________________________________________________________________________ This is my first true slayer map. its very straight forward......
it would be better if you added a title above all your screenshots so people know what they are looking at. despite that, this seems like a very...
vhat is this place? it apears ve hav teleported again and I am beging to suspect dey are getting suspicius of me... but I hav no hope of surviving...