My hurried photoshop map concept quickly became something far more disturbing... It cannot be unseen. [IMG]
This is an ACTUAL REENACTMENT of M$, M$ Game Studios relations meetings.
I actually disagree here. The new HUD icons for PWs are one of the few additions I find helpful. (If they worked right. I'm tired of finding a...
My first attempts in Forge for a new Halo game are usually seeing what I can do with the base level layout. I felt doubly encouraged this time...
There's a kicker. If you've ever been to the Waypoint forums, they're an absolutely clusterf%#k. There's so many kids/trolls on there I've never...
Well mate, here's the deal. I called this LONG before Halo 4 actually came out: 343i overextended themselves. They had so many cool ideas for...
This really messes with my head sometimes. >< Why are people getting two separate instances in the same damn game? What programming error is...
There's also currently a bug that makes Tele's sometimes not connect. Save and reload your map and it'll usually fix this issue.
Make some noise bucko. These gametypes aren't going to get implemented unless the community yells loud enough.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I'll definitely be taking a good hard look at my sightlines. NEW BUILDS TO COME!
^^ Well met bro. I'm a relatively new member here at FH myself, but it's good to meet some old names.
It is, to my knowledge, un-turn-off-able at this time.
There's some inconsistencies here. But I think that's a new bug in H4. I've NEVER, EVER gotten the lighting glitch on any map. And I've replicated...
I mentioned this to Shoe and Mock last night while in session: Thruster pack can be used to force yourself through one-way shield doors. The...