WEOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! XD Feature Feature Feature Feature! xD Camofo, you have no idea how popular your game already has become. I hear...
"Oh there needs to be more people downloading this" -Me just before I dl map. :D Really love the creative concept man, just a crazy mad good idea....
WIN WIN WIN WIN WINNER! Awesome map, great gameplay. Superfantabulous artwork and post overall. I enjoyed the whole packaged experience camo. ;D
Oh my god yes! The witty references really drawed up my attention to your post good sir. =) Might I say that this map looks very well made,...
Hey Roadkill, still doing those foundry maps I see. =D I am a fan of these maps in the sense that they are all really well made and forged almost...
Yeah, it's just a generic name for now. Oh, and I found the forum for map testers, sorry about that. ^_^'
Hey Sarcasm! I have a map that I really need help testing for. Would you be able to help? It's a map on ghost town and it's and infection and I...
Hello there, my name is (estmid) and I require some help testing one of my maps out for a finished version. I haven't played on it yet, but I am...
Well I have to say the piano really caught my attention. I have been groveling over how to create one and you just blew my mind! Other then that,...
Hey, I think this idea is great and all and I love cutting shortcuts, even thought that can lead to lazyness, but I don't understand how you set...
Hey, great job on the map. Thats really all though. The tree is so glamourous to the entire map, a great centerpiece and definately worth the hard...
Perhaps these cavern maps are a little overrated, i mean it seems effortless to ghost merge a map because of the simplicity of the result, but...
It's great to see more maps done on Ghost Town, especially with Ghost Merging, (lolz, i found a connection). But, it seems that these are quite...
Aha, this is great. I have been having trouble with both OLN and budget glitched maps and now i can finally make maps i have been waiting to do...