Right.. because Halo 3 doesn't run exactly the same way and it definitely doesn't run on exactly the same servers.
Too bad I beat that score with my own 29 million days before you got 19 mill.
Client Side Hit Detection.. that sounds like a great idea. Server: "Hey Client, did you hit this guy?" Client: "Yea I hit him, and every other...
I determine that a game is good by checking the title. If it is not named Bioshock, Mass Effect, Mario Galaxy, or Call of Duty 4 then it is...
Not that I want to go around reviving old topics but, since I'd already taken the picture... [img] That's what my personal gaming setup looks...
The avatar is an old, silly picture of me that I photoshopped. For some reason I have neglected several oppurtunities to acquire a camera phone,...
Warner Bros is now Blu-Ray exclusive, a move likely to cause what little support remaining for HD DVD to falter and disappear.
The Mancannon thing is definitely a bug, although one other thing I have noticed is that forging with others online can result in two completely...
Well as long as you're not a game reviewer or some equivalent being then your perspective should be taken into account by those pondering the...
I have no idea what causes it but I have experienced this problem. It is easily recreated. You'll just have to compensate for it.
That was actually a retarded lie put forth by game reviewers, that resulted in concrete proof that the entire game review industry is a sham...
Re: District - A well thought out map for casual gameplay. Lots of Screenies! More spawns. No spawns next to each other. Add more weapons: Brute...