I remember seeing this map in the makings and going 1v1 with you on it. this map is awesome and im really liking the added ramps to top level...
Thanks for all the positive feedback. I agree that some things could be cleaner. but this right now was at the best of my ability and to what the...
Very, very nice work on this map. After seeing this in an earlier stage, and helping test this map many a time, I can tell you that this map def...
As said before, 2nd to last is my favorite out of these. the first one is simple enough, good look tho the others have alot going on in them. The...
One-12 Download Link: Here After lengthy testing and reforging, One-12 has finally hit the forums. This is a symmetrical map forged in the Crypt...
Wow dude, looks amazing. The arched bridge and the lower grass way is particularly what caught my interest. I see you u said u tried to make it...
all ur pics are the same but lookin good so far
thatd be nice- ill put it in my file share if u save it - save it as 112.2 rather than another 112 also, im out of budget so try u can try ur...
Thanks for the comments guys, I added a more indepth look with a video
One-12 Symmetric Crypt Map [IMG] One-12 has been my project for many weeks now. It's been through many stages even starting out as a symmetrical...
The Ocho by Ehand
Hey, were on my map 112 the other day. What did u think? its the one with the courtyard and the sword and the two guardian style lift rooms