Well the halo 3 version had a similar style where even when you were in full control and took a hard turn it would slide to the right and left,...
Ah, endure attempted it 3 times and always on the last round one of my teammates phones ring (and he failed to mention that this disconnects...
Yah, trying to get a few more people together though
I am not sure if the honor guard exists as a position in Halo 3. Its point was part of the Covenant's political/ceremonial system before the...
Overall really interesting and impressively done map. Obviously there is a lot to expand on in the area around it. If all other ideas come out...
There is the custom games board here you might want to check or post in, you will likely have better chance there.
In my opinion the prowler is essentially a warthog except altered for a more specific task. The most obvious being to counter a chopper,...
Due to the style of the map it is and it isn't. You can create a map that alters its playing style but can't drastically change it or its main...
See if you can revert the upload. That way just try it and if it doesn't fix the problem you can undo it and no harm is done.
I would love to have a thread like this stickied. It would be nice to now and recognize past favorites. You can get a few by looking through old...
One personal thing I would love is a death barrier placeable in forge. Players could make "fell to you death" situations and for the default...
Great screenshot! Snowman=win As for sending it to Bungie you could try posting it on the forums so someone may notice it. Other than that I...
Definitely a mix. One could focus more on one than the other though. On small, primarily close range, maps a sniper isn't that useful but...
Custom games tonight hope to see you there, bring anyone you can as we can always use a few more good players. ~Erisnas
I recommend http://www.forgehub.com/forum/aesthetic-maps/18777-orion-v2-unsc-battle-carrier-cruiser.html for some inspiration for ship design. As...