Last Activity:
May 22, 2011 at 10:34 PM
Dec 10, 2010
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Epicninja1234 was last seen:
May 22, 2011
    1. Epicninja1234
      hello, Confinement is out now and its ready to roll
      my fileshare:
      -Resistance: infection map with true objectives.
      1. stay alive in the neighborhood and wait for evac. the church has a loaded shotgun for the priest. the mall has a gun shoppe. the suburbs has warthogs and the watch tower has powerups (for the alpha zombie)
      2. for the people that spawned at the base, stay alive and wait until the falcons are ready (aprox. 2 min.)
      3.zombies, you know what to do.
      btw, this map needs the game type "resistance"

      -Confinement: get out of that darned city. run through the subway, hold out for the door to open, go to the sewers and stay alive until the elevator is fully functional.(trick for the zombies, crouch underwater and your harder to be seen) run through the city and destroy the bridge so that the infection can't spread. don't be douchy and destroy the bridge when your friends are on it.
      play with regular infection.
      i know this pretty much self advertising and i apologize. good day :)
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  • About

    Ok, hey guys. Im glad i joined this community.
    i friggin love forging. thats the majority of time i spend in halo on. it would be nice if you could check out my infection maps in my file share. (but that means i am self advertizing right?)

    forging, guitar, halo, building stuff in real life like longboards and guitars and random things


    ha signatures are stupid!