thank you for finally commenting on the map. Anyway, I didn't specify a race because I was unsure what to make them. And as for the mixed...
fixed that... thanks for the notice Edited by merge: I thought all criticism was supposed to be for the map, not the video. But to answer...
[IMG] Prologue: This fortress was once home to a peaceful race, known for their architectural abilities. Long have they lived...
Pokemon is by far the best. I used to always watch the shows and movies and I still love to play the games. I'm even kind of mad that I never see...
Holy ****!!!! Wont be playing that game, lol
The detail inside the ship looks very good but the outside is kind of bland.... I would suggest putting something extra up there, and also make...
This would be a creepy infection map to play on... Mines in the first place are kind of creepy, then add zombies, sounds the a rush. The forging...
I love the idea hear. It looks like a very good map and you really made use of the water and rocks. Good job.
Looks very well made and the itself is loads of fun.... The way you described it though was a little confusing until I actually played it....
How did you make it to where you can shoot through walls at certain times????? Cool map.... Its very fun and can get very tricky at times, since...
Cool, you have created a fun new twist to zombies. Its about time someone gets creative.
Sounds like ones I wouldn't bother with too. I just thought of another. -Gears of War - THIS! IS! ANNEX! [IMG]THIS! IS! ANNEX!40 [IMG]Complete...
I'm posting this thread for people to tell about some hard or annoying achievements that you had to go through. Or tell about some that your not...