Yeessss Mongooses ftw. I love basically any map with mongooses (except isolation, ugh) and this sure looks like a very simple yet fun map. Is...
Wow, took you long enough. :)
If you've read day of the triffids by john wyndham (is that how you spell it?) I would love to see a sequel to that in a whole new writing style.
Ok seriously, I've been reading your posts around here and they kinda pissing me off. Your constant swearing and just plain out flaming/spamming...
This map was awesome for 1v1 infection (lol) catacomb thing rocks. Map is escapable!!!!! Onoes. The fist place is near the killball the hog wasn't...
It looks as if you spent a while on this map, so you should definitly spend the time when posting the map. It looks so awesome I'm dl'ing now but...
Yeah about the map post. Your post style is cool and all,(not really, being an idiot isn't a very nice alternative when you have a choice, against...
Congrats on getting ur pics up. Now, I'm gonna tell you just what you don't want to hear. You need to re-do them. It's hard to see the...
I agree with this idea to a certain extent. It needs more ground, yet the centre is not meant as the hotspot for this map, the dunes are, and have...
Welcome to my first post, Gooseland! The inspiration for this map came from youtube. My friend and I saw some really cool mongoose montages, so we...
Weapon holders can be blown up?
Your map isn't up to standards. Please post at least 1 picture, and a link to the map. You can find a guide to embeding pictures on the site and...
Hey, I played your first map and I have a suggestion for the idea. When I played with my friends, we always had a childish urge to pretend we...
What I was thinking is different; make an unbreakable pallete barrier. I'm not gonna explain it, but it involves placing a shield door so close...