Yeah, I know Just saw the opportunity for a little pun ;). Thanks for the comments guys, I did think about that for the drop pods, but I don't...
I'm not amazing at bigging up my maps, but hopefully I can convey to you how much I like my map. It's fundamentally for aesthetic purposes and...
Possible improvements to the vending machine?
A Simple vending machine, You throw a grenade in the hole at the top and a sniper drops out of the bottom. : Halo Reach : File Details...
A video would be super helpful :)
Thank you very much, I spent a long time experimenting until I found something interesting and fun, Please recommend to your friends and hopefully...
Revolution is a map primarily a BTB map, built also supports all game-types except for race. It even cuts the map in half to make oddball more...
I deeply, deeply apologize if this has already been asked, but I'm fairly newby to the site :). I was simply wondering if somebody could supply me...
Thats better.
Hi Guys, This was the first map I ever built, because of its colossal size, its fairly crude (Not all nice and neat) but over-all fairly well...