180 posts . may i ask why you need to be demon?
umm may i ask degrading to what america?you?the world?......canada?
then dont play with unhonerary people find people that will play fare and will stick to the rules if you ask on Americans new site(not up yet) im...
yes the topic did say that you can post this im just going to correct you on some things i agree with you all the way up till you said *The real...
im pretty sure that i clearly stated that there was no flaming in my first post thats his opinion NOT yours just because someone hates a...
they are making a tactical squad based game like GOW but with ODST solders i think and it eill be set in the halo universe it will NOT be halo4...
the title is pretty self-explanitory if you need a more in depth description here it is the amazing(amazing graphic,gameplay,story...ect)games...
plz get rid of the white pencil and your name looks very good did you make the water....dip or was that there? also what does SOTW stand for?
ok i jsut got to ask DQ do you make multiple topics EVERY day anyways to bad 68 isnt that old
they shoudl just let us tweak a gametype just a little like more health,one hit kill this small little things could change gameplay so much and...
dam man there has to be something that you like in it why so negitive?(no im not trying to screw with why so serious its just how it came out)
social slayer on construct 5 on 5 wrong 2 people on my team left so it was me 2AFK guys vs 5 (LONG EPIC BATTLE!!)my 2 AFK teammates come back and...
.....i love juggernaut...and oddball anyway are we aloud to make custom gametypes like in H3? ive checked but i couldnt find out.
am i the only one who dosent like the brown dont get me wrong i love the angle if it was like a dark blue or just black I think it would look...